Hi, I'm Kim

relentless learner
sunshine in a bottle

From Tri-Cities to Seattle, and back again.

Me and my husband were in a rut. So we traded the rainy and bustling cityscape of Seattle for the sunny landscapes of Tri-Cities, Washington. Seattle was an amazing city to experience all the food, different cultures and endless entertainment.

But when we had our first son, I found myself overwhelmed. Stressed by the fast paced lifestyle that didn't match the stillness I wanted, as a new mom. I longed for the calm, and the opportunity to raise our kid(s) in a more relaxed environment. So one weekend when I had the crazy idea to move, me and my hubs visited our parents who still lived in the Tri-Cities, and looked at two properties for sale. Next thing you know, two weeks later we closed on our house, crammed the U-haul and off we went! Just like that. 

Back to our hometown. Which we ignorantly swore back in our 20's we'd never return to! (Cue comical laugh.) But, moving back to the Tri has been one of the BEST decisions we ever made. Our kids have a safe community to explore free from honking traffic. 

Before we moved, I had paired with an incredible mentor and real estate partner. Together, we closed over $131+ million in team volume since 2017; out selling some teams comprised of 4+ agents. We were awarded Top Producing duo at our former brokerage at Keller Williams Bellevue for two straight years both in volume and units closed.

But, even with that decorated background it could never compare to what was ahead for me and my family: another new baby, in a newish place. For that reason, I ended up transitioning into being a stay-at-home mom for a short time, and unbeknownst to us would care for a series of unfortunate medical illnesses for our second son. However, as time went on, it turns out the staying-at-home lifestyle wasn't for me.

Which is why I returned back to what I loved: real estate.

Becoming a parent has made me more patient and better at communicating in this business. You can ask me endless questions (or the same question 100 times). And, thanks to my toddler, doesn't phase me one bit.

I don't pretend to know everything. Because life has a way of humbling us all. But, I'm certain that if I don't know the answer, I'll go through great lengths to get it. (Moms always find a way after all.)

And, I'm living proof that the excitement of a new beginning can truly be a seamless and gratifying journey. We closed in 10 business days with a dog, and a baby in tow. Evidence that with the right strategy, organized checklists and the action to make things happen will get desired results. Does that sound like something you want too?

I'm a Lifelong Learner and I Hope You Are Too

I'm a geek. I will nerd out on a Saturday learning the history of American architectural styles. Yes, I'm that person. Which is why I'm so passionate about teaching others the true value of real estate as an asset. The best part of being in this industry is the never ending learning and the great people I get to help along the way.

NOW I USE MY knowledge TO HELP YOU avoid mistakes

Real estate is a significant financial asset, but it comes with risks. My job is to help you minimize those risks and strategize to meet your personal goals.

Cappucino mornings,
a good podcast,
rugrat laughter,
stinky diapers
and ends with gratitude

Cappucino mornings,
a good podcast,
rugrat laughter,
stinky diapers
 and ends in gratitude.

Like you I'm navigating this journey called life.  And, I'm soaking every little bit of it: one day at a time and one learning moment to another.

For the most part, I'm a pretty serious person. But, my two sweet little boys have taught me this: that life can smack you in any direction, like an unsuspecting flying diaper, and you just gotta roll with the punches.

This + That

If I could eat only 1 dessert:

It's 5am, QUIET, coffee in hand, and no one is awake at my house! Pure bliss.

I'm my best when...

On most of my hardcore "momming" days definitely a Target t-shirt and jeans. Any other day probably a dress.

Outfit of choice:

it would be a toss up between a piece of tiramisu or a gooey chocolate chip cookie.

If it's AM: cappuccino with vanilla and steamed oatmilk!

If it's PM: Glenlivet on the rocks with a twist. 

Drink of choice:

Someday I want to..

write a book, teach a course and illustrate a children's book.

Friends. I'm definitely a Monica.

Most likely to rewatch...

Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.


Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.


Kombucha street art tilde shoreditch celiac taxidermy bushwick palo santo cloud bread yr bicycle rights hell of sartorial ethical butcher.



re-fuel my creativity

getting back to nature again!

learning how to travel with two littles in tow


soaking in the now

"Making a living, is not the same as making a life"

LET's meet.

Properties are the product of my services, but the true nature of my work is with all the unique people I get to interact with, and the relationship that we get to build together. Feeling that the chemistry is right? Let's chat!

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Whether you're considering a move or already packing boxes, let me be your eyes and ears on the ground. Explore a list of handpicked recommendations straight from me... *ahem* a local!

Moving across the country and pressed for time and air travel expenses? Although not ideal, it can be done. Here's 7 tips on how to buy a home without setting foot in the door. (Pssstt I've done it!)



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